
our story

letting our mess become our message…

We launched Kickass Body Project in May of 2018 as a health & fitness company - focused on helping men & women with their nutritional, fitness & overall wellness goals. We poured hours and hours into creating workout programs & nutritional blueprints. Running beta groups. Signing people up for challenge groups. We excitedly shared our business with the world and had a successful initial launch (& a handful after as well). But as we grew personally & professionally (Add 2 babies, 2 major career changes, and a handful of other major life events) we knew that our true passion wasn’t telling people how many squats to do or how much protein to eat.

So in the summer of 2019 we took a thoughtful look at our business and had the hard conversation: Is this really what we want to do? Is this really how we want to help people?

As difficult as the answer was, we knew it wasn’t. Trust us when we say it was both incredibly simple and equally heartbreaking. After spending countless hours and months building something - realizing that where you are isn’t where you want to be is all the things: crushing, empowering, motivating, exciting, overwhelming, sad, happy… you get the idea.

…back to the drawing board

We both soon realized that there were 2 things we ALWAYS found ourselves discussing: business & personal growth. Between the two of us we had both made massive strides personally - putting in the work to lay a solid foundation, heal past traumas, shift our mindset and step into alignment with our life - as well as professionally - Jess had built a 6 figure brand in a matter of months and Kelsey had helped build a business unit that turned into a $9M revenue stream in 14 months.

It was also the piece of Kickass Body Project that we truly loved - The part where we helped our clients make meaningful mindset shifts, heal their relationship with food, level up in life and realize their potential. Additionally, as almost an accidental byproduct of us building Kickass Body Project, we had friends approach us that they too had always dreamed of doing something similar and asked if we would help.

It seems so obvious now that OF COURSE this is where we would end up, but like so many things in life, we had to take the scenic route.

So here we are. Almost 2 years later with a completely different business plan, vision & mission. We are grateful for everyone who has been on this journey with us and supported us along the way - we are proud to re-introduce our business:

Kickass Body Project - Accountability. Business. Community.